Restorations, Uncategorized

Reviving a Hard Ridden Savinelli Freehand Bent Dublin

There is an old adage that tiny problems become large problems if left unattended, and the pipe on the bench this week is a prime example of this truism. This Savinelli Freehand Dublin was clearly a favourite of its steward but maintenance and repairs were put off, allowing hairline cracks down both sides of the… Continue reading Reviving a Hard Ridden Savinelli Freehand Bent Dublin

Restorations, Uncategorized

Putting the Gold Back Into a Savinelli Punto Oro 616KS

Today's pipe restoration project is a fairly straightforward undertaking - a nice break from the more involved repairs I have been dealing with lately. The patient on the bench today is a handsome Savinelli Punto Oro 616KS Bent Billiard. This description from sums up the shape: One of the most full-bodied examples of Savinelli's… Continue reading Putting the Gold Back Into a Savinelli Punto Oro 616KS


Refurbishing a Steward’s First Pipe

The choice of a first pipe is an important decision. As a new pipe smoker, finding the perfect first pipe is often a balancing act between cost and quality, not to mention finding a pipe shape that speaks to you, is comfortable to hold and clench, and that is neither too large nor too small.… Continue reading Refurbishing a Steward’s First Pipe

Restorations, Uncategorized

A Quick Cleanup of a Savinelli Extra Lumberman

Not all estate pipe restorations are long, involved processes requiring specialized equipment - thankfully - yet even simple cleanup jobs can have remarkable outcomes. Such was the case for this Savinelli Extra Lumberman that recently passed through the shop. As this first series of pics shows, the pipe wasn't in bad shape when it arrived… Continue reading A Quick Cleanup of a Savinelli Extra Lumberman

Restorations, Uncategorized

Rehabilitating a “Repaired” Savinelli Chocolat 122

Lockdowns, closures and other by-products of the COVID pandemic have revived (for some) or reintroduced (for others) the "Mend and Make Do" attitude prevalent among the British during World War II. Purchases of new things - cars, clothing, home improvement projects, etc - have been delayed or given up altogether as people tighten their proverbial… Continue reading Rehabilitating a “Repaired” Savinelli Chocolat 122


Refreshing a Savinelli Veritas 316KS

Unlike the vast majority of estate pipes that pass across my worktable, whether found at antique shops, estate sales or, like this pipe, sent in by their current stewards, there was actually nothing wrong with this Savinelli Veritas 316KS when it arrived in my mailbox. Instead, it had been sent to me for a bit… Continue reading Refreshing a Savinelli Veritas 316KS


Reviving a Well Used Savinelli 616KS “No-Nik”

Finding a parcel in the DadsPipes mailbox is always a bit like Christmas morning - I never quite know what I'll find, but I'm usually excited by it! This Savinelli 616KS No-Nik pipe arrived with a few others some months ago but I'm only now getting around to writing them up. They belonged to the… Continue reading Reviving a Well Used Savinelli 616KS “No-Nik”

Restorations, Uncategorized

Cleaning Up a Wire Rusticated Savinelli Extra 2005

This is another of the pipes I picked up over the summer, a good-looking silver-mounted Savinelli Extra 2005 Apple. The pipe came to me in decent estate condition. It was dirty, of course, with a fair bit of dust, grease and wax jammed into the wire-rusticated finish. The chamber carried a light cake, and there… Continue reading Cleaning Up a Wire Rusticated Savinelli Extra 2005

Restorations, Uncategorized

A New Stem for a Savinelli Capri Root Briar 614

A DadsPipes reader and fellow Ontario piper dropped off a handful of eBay pipe purchases for me to go through before he added them to his rack and rotation. As many eBay pipe hunters have found, an estate briar listed as "cleaned and ready to smoke" may or may not actually be clean and ready… Continue reading A New Stem for a Savinelli Capri Root Briar 614

Restorations, Uncategorized

Rehabilitating a Well Used Savinelli Silver 604 KS Oom Paul

This Savinelli Silver 604 KS Oom Paul is another pipe I acquired at my pipe club’s Swap Meet last November. It has languished in my refurb box since then, but I finally got it to the worktable. After so many months, I had to give the pipe a good inspection to refresh my memory. This Savinelli… Continue reading Rehabilitating a Well Used Savinelli Silver 604 KS Oom Paul