Restorations, Uncategorized

Crafting a Replica Stem for an 1895 Peterson Patent System Pipe

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of working on some truly vintage, museum-quality pipes, but never one is as good starting condition as the subject of today's post, an early Peterson Patent System pipe that predates the now famous Peterson P-Lip by three years. As you can see from this initial series of… Continue reading Crafting a Replica Stem for an 1895 Peterson Patent System Pipe

Restorations, Uncategorized

Crafting A Hand Cut P-Lip Army Mount Stem for a Peterson System Standard 301

The Peterson P-Lip stem is rather famous in the pipe world. Patented by Charles Peterson in 1898, the stem design incorporates a tapered airway and a unique button shape featuring an airway that exits the stem on top of the button rather than through the end of the stem. This image, taken from, shows… Continue reading Crafting A Hand Cut P-Lip Army Mount Stem for a Peterson System Standard 301


A Hand Cut Stem for a Tinderbox Unique by Charatan

Over the years, many pipe retailers commissioned established makers to produce pipes marked with the retailer's own brand, in much the same way that grocery chains today contract existing producers to make their house brand merchandise. For pipe lovers, buying a house brand can be a more accessible ( read "less expensive") route to acquiring… Continue reading A Hand Cut Stem for a Tinderbox Unique by Charatan

Restorations, Uncategorized

Crafting a New Orific Stem for a 1902 Loewe & Co Army Mount Meerschaum

As one might imagine, the majority of the pipes sent in to me for repair or restoration are fairly new, at least in pipe terms, dating from the Post-WWII years through to the present day. Every now and then, however, I get the chance to work with a genuinely old pipe like this 1902 Loewe… Continue reading Crafting a New Orific Stem for a 1902 Loewe & Co Army Mount Meerschaum


Cutting a New Acrylic Stem for a Vintage RBC French Briar Bulldog

It's always fun to come across an old pipe brand I've not heard of before, and even better if I get to work on a representative pipe. This RBC branded cased Bulldog came into the shop for a cleanup and a new stem and, unlike many pipes of this vintage, it was destined to be… Continue reading Cutting a New Acrylic Stem for a Vintage RBC French Briar Bulldog

Restorations, Uncategorized

A New Stem and a Cleanup for a 1986 Dunhill 5110

As you might guess after reading a few blog posts here, I really like estate pipes. Beautiful and functional in their own right, estate pipes also have a direct connection to the past, an attribute prized by many collectors. On the bench today is a lovely estate Dunhill, which arrived at DadsPipes with a rather… Continue reading A New Stem and a Cleanup for a 1986 Dunhill 5110


When Repair Doesn’t Work, Make a New Stem

The art of estate pipe restoration is constantly evolving as creative restorers come up with inventive techniques and test new products, but sometime the pipe has other plans. The patient on the worktable today is a good example of the pipe leading the restoration. The pipe in question is a Don Carlos "two note" grade… Continue reading When Repair Doesn’t Work, Make a New Stem


Cleanup and a New Hand Cut Ebonite Stem for a 1968 Dunhill LB

In modern times it would be difficult to think of anything that has benefitted the pipe smoking community more than the advent of the internet. Indeed, while there has been a pipe renaissance of sorts over the last five years or so, the number of pipe smokers and collectors remains a relatively tiny percentage of… Continue reading Cleanup and a New Hand Cut Ebonite Stem for a 1968 Dunhill LB


A Hand Cut Eldritch Resin Stem for a Lovely S. Bang Pipe

One of the perks of doing what I do here at DadsPipes is having the opportunity to work on some very high end artisan-grade pipes that I cannot afford to buy for my own rack and rotation. One example is this lovely Danish hand made S. Bang that was sent to me for repair. As… Continue reading A Hand Cut Eldritch Resin Stem for a Lovely S. Bang Pipe

Restorations, Uncategorized

Making a Hand-Cut Acrylic Stem from Rod Stock for an Algerian Briar Bamboo Rhodesian

This project was a first for me - hand cutting an Acrylic stem from rod stock. OK, not quite rod stock, as the chunk of acrylic I used was actually an off-cut from a 1" diameter by 4" long acrylic stem blank, so the airway drilling was already done when I started work. A stem,… Continue reading Making a Hand-Cut Acrylic Stem from Rod Stock for an Algerian Briar Bamboo Rhodesian