Restorations, Uncategorized

Crafting a Replica Stem for an 1895 Peterson Patent System Pipe

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of working on some truly vintage, museum-quality pipes, but never one is as good starting condition as the subject of today's post, an early Peterson Patent System pipe that predates the now famous Peterson P-Lip by three years. As you can see from this initial series of… Continue reading Crafting a Replica Stem for an 1895 Peterson Patent System Pipe

Restorations, Uncategorized

Restoring an Early Patent Dunhill Shell Briar Army Billiard

One of the fun parts of running a pipe repair and restoration business is working on pipes that I would otherwise never get to see. This early Dunhill Patent Shell Briar is just such a pipe, send in to DadsPipes for restoration as part of a larger lot of older Dunhills. As this initial series… Continue reading Restoring an Early Patent Dunhill Shell Briar Army Billiard


A New Stem and a Refresh for a 1906 Peterson Patent Meerschaum

Half the fun of doing pipe repairs and restorations is seeing what arrives in the mail. Many pieces sent in for refurbishment date from the 1960s and forward, while every now and again a real antique crossed my bench. This 1906 Peterson Bent Billiard Meerschaum is just one such example. Like many pipes from this… Continue reading A New Stem and a Refresh for a 1906 Peterson Patent Meerschaum