Restorations, Uncategorized

Major Repairs to a Much Loved Peterson Aran 68

Every pipe smoker has a favourite pipe. It's almost inevitable, I think, as people tend to find something that works for them - a particular button design, width or height, a bowl with just the right capacity or size to fit their needs the majority of the time. Have a look at any pipe lover's… Continue reading Major Repairs to a Much Loved Peterson Aran 68


Restoration or Necromancy? Reviving a Well Loved Dunhill Patent Lovat

I have often said that any pipe is restorable if the will to do so exists. This project put that statement to the test as I faced down some significant challenges on this Patent Dunhill Lovat's road to redemption. Sent to me by a Canadian college professor teaching in Massachusetts, the pipe had belonged to… Continue reading Restoration or Necromancy? Reviving a Well Loved Dunhill Patent Lovat

Restorations, Uncategorized

Rebuilding a Scorched & Shattered Dunhill Cumberland Dublin

One of the things I enjoy most about operating a web-based business is that I never know where my next job will come from. Nearly a decade after first hanging my shingle out, about half of the repair and restoration projects that arrive on the bench are from domestic clients across Canada; the other half… Continue reading Rebuilding a Scorched & Shattered Dunhill Cumberland Dublin


Worth Repairing? Salvaging a Seriously Cracked Lorenzetti Titus

Cost is almost always a prime consideration when it comes to estate pipe repairs. As I and other pipe restorers have proven more than once, virtually every estate pipe is repairable if the will to do so exists; whether the repair is worth the cost is a very different question, and the answer is very… Continue reading Worth Repairing? Salvaging a Seriously Cracked Lorenzetti Titus

Restorations, Uncategorized

Pinning Multiple Cracks in an Otherwise Lovely Rattray’s Bog Oak (Morta) Pipe

Smoking pipes have traditionally been made from only a handful of materials - clay and meerschaum originally, then briar and an assortment of fruit woods like cherry and pear. Most recently, Bog Oak, also called Morta, has entered the fray. So what exactly is Bog Oak? Bog Oak/Morta is semi-petrified oak that has lain under… Continue reading Pinning Multiple Cracks in an Otherwise Lovely Rattray’s Bog Oak (Morta) Pipe


Pinning a Cracked Peterson Christmas 2012 B11

Here is another pipe from the box of repairs I've been working through recently. This time I'm working on a lovely Peterson Christmas 2012 B11 with a very unfortunate issue - a long crack running up the bowl. Ouch! Here is the pipe as it looked when I first brought it to the worktable. I… Continue reading Pinning a Cracked Peterson Christmas 2012 B11

Restorations, Uncategorized

Salvaging a Burnt and Cracked Blatter Select Freehand

This is the second of two dilapidated Blatter pipes gifted to me by a pipe friend before Christmas. I wrote about the first restoration here. This pipe is somewhat larger in size and, as you will see, the restoration turned out to be similarly larger in scope. Unlike the first Blatter pipe, this one arrived… Continue reading Salvaging a Burnt and Cracked Blatter Select Freehand

Restorations, Uncategorized

Rescuing a Cracked & Beaten 1960 Dunhill Shell Briar 142 Dublin

When it comes to the regular care and feeding of one’s pipes, it seems that pipe smokers can be divided into one of two camps – those who treat their pipes well and those that do not. In the first camp you will find people who clean their briar, meer or cob before it blocks… Continue reading Rescuing a Cracked & Beaten 1960 Dunhill Shell Briar 142 Dublin

Restorations, Uncategorized

Restoring a Cracked Chacom 296 Canadian

I came across this Chacom 296 Canadian pipe at a local antique market, and though it was in rough shape, it had a few things going for it in my mind. First was the unique leather pipe case it came in that featured a snap closure just like Grandma’s change purse. The case is unmarked,… Continue reading Restoring a Cracked Chacom 296 Canadian

Pipe Essays, Restorations, Uncategorized

A Crack Pinning Tutorial

Pipe forums and other discussion groups are full of posts asking about crack repairs, especially to pipe bowls. Bowl cracks are generally the result of either accident, abuse or neglect - accidental drops or impacts can crack the wood, as can outright abuse like whacking the pipe against a hard surface to knock dottle out… Continue reading A Crack Pinning Tutorial