
Add a Podcast to your IPSD 2024 Celebrations!

It's February 20th, and every pipe smoker knows that it is also International Pipe Smoking Day! I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you to pipe smokers across Canada and around the world for their continued support of I have had the unique pleasure of repairing and restoring smoking pipes, new and… Continue reading Add a Podcast to your IPSD 2024 Celebrations!

Pipe Essays, Uncategorized

IPSD Starter Sets for The Boys

February 20th is International Pipe Smoking Day! This is the perfect day for all pipers to be loud and proud about our pipe smoking hobby, so get out there and do your bit to support and encourage pipers everywhere! As February 20th in Canada tends to be a little on the nippy side, I decided… Continue reading IPSD Starter Sets for The Boys