Pipe Essays, Uncategorized

The Official Unofficial Brigham Shape Chart

Time for another Shape Chart update! Here is Version 2.0. (uploaded 13 Sept 2019). Download a PDF of the Shape Chart Here This updated features about a dozen new pipe shapes and a lot more pictures, thanks to submissions from readers like you! Many thanks to fellow pipers Andrew Colman, Ian Campbell, Ryan Thibodeau, Blake… Continue reading The Official Unofficial Brigham Shape Chart

Restorations, Uncategorized

Tidying Up a Brigham 382 Bent Tankard

Here is another new addition to my collection of Brigham pipes - a 3-Dot Shape 82 Bent Tankard. The pipe was in fine estate condition when I received it – it needed a good overall cleaning, of course, but it had been taken care of. The rim was the “biggest” minor issue. As you can… Continue reading Tidying Up a Brigham 382 Bent Tankard

Pipe Essays, Uncategorized

The Completely Unofficial Brigham Pipes Shape Chart v0.1 Beta Release

Here it is, folks - the first draft of the Brigham Pipes Shape Chart! Note that is really is a DRAFT release, compiled in large part from my own collection, submissions from other Brigham owners, and a few old catalogs. There are still a great many gaps to fill to complete the project, so if… Continue reading The Completely Unofficial Brigham Pipes Shape Chart v0.1 Beta Release

Pipe Essays, Uncategorized

Announcing the Brigham Pipe Shape Chart Project

Hi everyone, I'm putting out this short mid-week post to announce a new project - the Brigham Pipe Shape Chart! Over its 100-plus years of production, Brigham has put out a boggling array of pipe shapes from classic Billiards and Bulldogs to Freehands and more exotic experimental pipes. This means that there's almost always a… Continue reading Announcing the Brigham Pipe Shape Chart Project