
Working Around a Shortage of Acrylic Stems

Welcome to 2024, everyone! The move into a new year should be a time for looking forward to new experiences, new events, and better times ahead (or at least wishing a heartfelt good riddance to parts of the previous year we'd rather not repeat), so while I extend my best wishes to you for the… Continue reading Working Around a Shortage of Acrylic Stems

Restorations, Uncategorized

Checkmate – a Celius Chess Series Root Bishop 22

I picked up this Danish pipe on a recent pipe foraging trip to a local antique fair. It was jumbled in with a few other pipes, but it looked to be in decent shape so I added it to my bag. I had my first opportunity to examine the pipe closely when I got it… Continue reading Checkmate – a Celius Chess Series Root Bishop 22